Generation H

Chapter 9.5 – BRB, Changing Our Phone Number

*I apologize in advance for the obscure length of this chapter lol

Also, I played this chapter before the infant update/Growing Together

Hello and welcome back to another trip to the Wilde! I am not prepared for this… But lets start off with a Wilde check!

Hoyt is starting us off with a bit of cleaning!

The sink broke right after this…

So we’re starting things off on a high lol

London is just loitering around the house. She’s not doing anything lol

Ian is on his way to get some orange juice.

Ivy is napping in the hot tub… Because we don’t sleep in beds in this challenge

And the terrible toddlers. Isaac, Iris, and Isaiah are all still sleeping. Thank god. I remember how much it sucked to get them in bed at the end of the last chapter, so I’m really glad that I don’t have to repeat that again.

Because I would die.

Ian reminds me why he’s my favorite for heirship already.

This is his extra credit work by the way!

I honestly have no idea who either of you are, so yeah. Go right ahead. Have fun!

London’s just out there tempting the fates.

Please don’t die.

She has low energy now… And she is literally just “swimming around”

Is it too late to restart the save?

Oh good! She did manage to make it to the house before drowning!

I would have killed her

Heather and Matteo had their baby! Welcome to the family, Isander!

Cousin Hillary aged up to YA! So we’re going to flag her now!

Sorry, Hillary… But it’s for the greater good.

Enjoy your batuu clothes

Okay, listen. I’ve learned my lesson. I’m not going anywhere with toddlers. So no.

Lotto is the most productive member of the family.

Although, I would rather have POSTCARDS, Lotto!

Ummmmmmm. What is going on here?

That is not how you carry a toddler lol

Go for it! Shoot your shot!

Harper and Jackie had a baby boy! Welcome to the family, Iggy!

I missed this notification at some point, but Isaac maxed the communication skill! Woohoo!


NOTHING is creepier than the Flower Bunny calling your CHILD aged sim saying they had a DREAM about them.

I repeat: CREEPY AF

Hey look! Isaac maxed another toddler skill! Woohoo!


Mabel and Henry had their baby! Welcome to the family, Imogene!

It’s Isaac’s birthday!


And here he is after his makeover!

Rockin’ that Luke Skywalker haircut!

Ummmm Hoyt? Can I ask why you are eating in your BATHROOM?

That doesn’t seem sanitary

Hoyt: This is a no-kids zone.

Oh yeah. That’s very true. Continue on lol

Sure… Knock yourself out.

Cake time for the twins!

Iris goes first!

And then it was Isaiah’s turn!

Here’s Iris after her makeover

And Isaiah after his makeover

I did not know you could trick out the aqua-zips.

So I just wasted a ton of money to add all the add-ons to all three of our aqua-zips. No shame!

I dunno who this lady is, but she calls London ALL the time.

It’s getting to be really annoying…

Harper and Jackie are expecting another nooboo!

It’s Hoyt’s cake day!! Woohoo!

Hard to believe that he’s only just now becoming an Adult. Feels like we were Young Adults for AGES

Oh yay! Thanks Lotto!

That brings us up to two of the rodent postcards.

I honestly have no idea where the first one came from. I just found it in my inventory lol

I missed the actual notification (surprise, surprise) but Ivy has an A! WOOHOO!


I have discovered that having a Rodent in your house is a VERY good thing for an ISBI. Kids go and “study rodent” all on their own and it automatically finishes their homework.

Cousin Hattie aged up! Time to flag!

I’m sorry, Hattie. You would make pretty children though…

Speaking of birthdays, it was Ian’s cake day!

And here he is after his makeover!

I love him, by the way lol

See!? This is the first thing he did after aging up! He went RIGHT to the project to work on it!

………………………….And we were having SUCH a good chapter……………………..


Thanks a lot, London

So aliens can have nightmares about getting abducted by aliens? Hmmmm. Would that be considered an abduction? Or just a trip to the home world?


Cousin Hayden aged up! FLAG HIM!

I’m sorry buddy, but I don’t want kids or a partner to take away from your accessory budget!

Ian finished a school project! All on his own! I didn’t even have to influence him to do so!

This is exciting!

Not to be outdone, Ivy and Isaiah also get to work on theirs!

After seeing how they started projects all on their own, I bought more in hopes that they’ll do more projects

And immediately, Isaac and Iris started projects of their own!

Oh yay! Thanks Lotto!

That brings us to three rodent cards!

Isaiah and Iris both got A’s!


C’mon Isaac! You’re the only one who hasn’t gotten an A as a kid yet! Time to STEP UP

Guys… It’s 11pm and everyone is in bed!

I can’t believe it!

I might die of shock!

I hate when Chasity haunts us. She leaves puddles alllll over the house

Okay, when I tell you I screamed when this came across my feed, it’s not a lie. I SCREAMED.

This is just FURTHER proof that nothing good comes from having triplets

Harper and Jackie had a boy! Welcome to the family, Ike!

I bet you 100 simoleons that you can’t find the lot edges

Were you right? If so, give yourself 100 simoleons in your current save. On me!

Hey! There ya go, Isaac! Welcome to the A club!


Woo! Milestone complete!


Now to get a job…

…got a job and immediately completed another milestone lol


So now we have to get a different job lol

…so we got a different job and immediately completed another milestone lol


Now we have to get a different different job

Bro relax. You only had a job for like 10 minutes. You never even went in!

Also, I would like to point out that we started this chapter with $292K… This is an expensive update…

Ghost dogs just be leaving piles of hair all over the house.


Noooooooo! Lotto! What about my postcards?!

So we had to get a new one. This one is called Postie.

Like… postcard…

get it?

…I’ll let myself out

Oh no… please don’t die…

The dust bunnies have returned! Woohoo!

Soooooo Hoyt is scared of ghosts (which is ironic since we’re haunted literally every night) So he has to fight a ghost to not be afraid anymore.

Grandma just happened to be haunting tonight, so we picked a fight with Granny.

Sorry Faith.

Well, Faith is more of a badass then I thought and she kicked Hoyt’s butt. And we have to actually win in order to conquer the fear. Soooooo we had to fight another haunting ghost.

Which happened to be Grandpa….

So we fought Branden.

Which he deserves for freezing to death

But we won against Grandpa! So yay!

Serves you right, Branden!

Okay, this lady has called me a couple times about some friends and crushes, but this is the first baby!

Answer is always yes

Though maybe call us a little less?

I FOUND HER! I wanted to know who she was and what her relationship with London was because the number of times she’s called us is ridiculous lol

Her name is Krysta. Krysta Christy lol and she’s London’s niece.

Birthday time for Ivy!

And here she is after her makeover!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that seems like a good place to end this one. It’s getting kind of long lol

Join us next time for more Wilde fun!


Extra Bits:

This is Isadora Shimizu, Heather and Matteo’s second kiddo

And her twin, Isobel!

And their younger brother, Isander

This is Irving Wilde, Hudson and Sarah’s oldest

And here’s his twin brother, Irwin

And here’s their younger brother, Irven

This is Ireland, Henry (RIP) and Mabel’s oldest

And this is her younger brother, Israel

And their younger sister, Imogene

This is Iggy Munch! Harper and Jackie’s oldest!


Self Wetting (-5) : 35 (-175)
Pass Out (-5) : 157 (-785)
Failing School (-5) : 0 (0)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5) : 4 (-20)
Accidental Deaths (-10) : 4 (-40)
Fires (-10) : 19 (-190)
Social Worker Visit (-15) : 0 (0)

Single Birth (+5) : 28 (+140)
Twins (+10) : 3 (+30)
Triplets (+15) : 2 (+30)
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5) : 70 (+350)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10) : 13 (+130)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5) : 6 (+30)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10) : 3 (+30)
NTH children earning an A in school (+5) : 33 (+165)
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5) : 22 (+110)
Happy Toddler Trait Earned  (+5): 2 (+10)
Top-Notch Toddler Trait Earned (+10): 0 (0)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10) : 2 (+20)
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10) : 8 (+80)
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10) : 8 (+80)
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20) : 5 (+100)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5) : 9 (+45)

Total: 140 (Woo! Look at all the points this chapter!)

One thought on “Chapter 9.5 – BRB, Changing Our Phone Number

  1. Finally caught up with the blog and I’m loving it so far!

    Also- I love how you take pictures of all the spare kids in CAS. Would you ever consider doing that for the main family? I’d love to see how their features change up close.

    Can’t wait to read more!

    Liked by 1 person

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