Generation H

Chapter 9.1 – Hoyt Has ARRIVED!

Hello everyone! It’s here! The highly anticipated beginning of noncommittal Hoyt’s reign as heir! And we start his very first Wilde check with him sad at the computer. If you remember, at the end of last chapter we had a few family members die. So that’s why he’s sad. *shrugs* He’ll get over it.

And then there’s Gunner. Who is also sad. He’s going to be enjoying his free time.

Gunner: No more forcing me to clean, or paint, or cook, or fix things, or-

Okay okay! I get it! You didn’t like being heir!

Gunner: Nah. It wasn’t that bad. But still. Retirement is nice.

…You still have a job though…

Gunner: Oh. Yeah. Forgot about that.

And then there’s Harper. Yes, she’s sad, but obviously food is more important then wallowing in sadness.

Since Hoyt’s aspiration is Leader of the Pack, we made a club. Full of single YA ladies.

These were the only YA options…

Meanwhile, there are about 20 teen girls. So we might need to snag one of them. We’ll see.

We started a club gathering to actually meet the ladies and two of them were close to becoming adults, so we ruled them out. Which left these two.

And they’re meh.

The Blonde is Mollie Delgato. I like the blonde hair, but not a fan of her eyes. Trust me when I say, the eyeliner is saving her at this point.

The girl with black hair is Alisha Lothario. That girl has literally NO chin. So she’s out of the running.

So we’re left with Mollie in the young adult age.

Let’s meet the teen contenders!

This is Laila Marroquin. I like her. Interesting facial structure.

If we choose a teen, I’ll be aging them up early so that I can move them in sooner lol so progress in the age bar doesn’t matter here.

This is Mara Lothario. She’s okay. She’s kinda got the same eye situation as Mollie.

This is London Huntington. She’s got the erratic trait. So she’s automatically a winner in my book! And she’s got a more narrow face than most of this family, so that’d be different.

Also, Fun Fact: Her mom is Mabel Huntington who is now Mabel Wilde because she’s married to Henry! Wouldn’t it be funny if both mom and daughter married into the same generation? lol

I wonder if she’s a vampire like her mom was? I’ll have to look into that.

This is Ashleigh Bailey-Moon. Looking past the eye shadow, she’s actually pretty! And she has brown hair, which we’ve not actually had in the main family before now that I think about it lol

This is Beatrix Weston. Another brunette. She’s got a bit of a smaller chin, but I think it really works with the rest of her facial structure.

And finally, this is Nancy Graves. I had to add another blonde that wasn’t Mollie lol. She’s got a unique skin tone, but I find her “plain”

So my current favorites are Laila, London, Ashleigh, and Beatrix. Let me know in the comments (or the poll at the end of the post) who you think Hoyt should marry! You can pick any of the ladies I took pics of 🙂 Well, except Alisha

Hoyt bought a club perk and completed a milestone!


Hi Oreo! I miss you! You were the best doggo!

And we completed ANOTHER milestone! We’re off to a good start, point-wise!


I don’t think Gunner’s happy about having to move out to the Ex-TH suite.

Ummmm, Laila? Why did you steal Harper’s homework?

Harper: You know she can’t hear you right? She’s not part of the household.

Oh yeah…

Harper: Stupid watcher…

Laila: Who are you talking to?

Harper: Uhhhhh…… No one?

Ha. Now she thinks you’re crazy.

Harper: Go away watcher!

Laila: …… *backs away slowly*

This girl has some ATTITUDE. My. Goodnes.

Reminds me of my sister lol

School starts in 7 minutes and she waits until now to do her homework…

Harper: Laila had my homework. Besides, I already have an A.

True. I guess that’s a good excuse.

(Also, Gunner and Hoyt are sleeping which is why you’re getting Harper spam. Which is cool because we like Harper! Best girl of this generation!

Heather: HEY!

It’s the truth. Can’t deny it.)

Damn, Harper! What did you do at school to get so dirty?!

Harper: Wrestled with the guys.

… Uh huh. In a mud pit?

Harper: *shrugs* They like it dirty


Gunner: My baby girl is all grown up!

Hoyt: DAD! NO!

At first I was gonna say no, but then evil thoughts popped in my head *evil smirk*

We pranked all his toilets. Have fun pooping!

And on our way home, we knocked over his trashcan.

Petty? Maybe. Warrented? DEFINITELY!

Back home and Hoyt started working on his charisma for his aspiration.

Also, I have to decide if he’s going to have a job or not. And if he is, what is it going to be lol

Heather and her husband are expecting another babeh!

Garrett died. He was one of Finn’s giant horde

Once again. School is just around the corner and she waits until the last minute to do her homework.

Harper: …It’s Saturday you moron.

Oh yeah… Whoops…

Ummm no. Still mad at you for drowning…

Also, you’re dead.

Gunner said something to make Harper mad. And he looks like he’s just going to keep taunting her too lol

We met a dolphin! Let’s be friends!

Spoiler: We’re not friends.

Umm, excuse me? What the hell is this? I know our floor has a kind of “wave” pattern, but this is taking things too far!

Gunner got a promotion!

And don’t pay attention to Harper building a sand castle with Branden

And observant readers will see what is about to happen next…











Yeah… This. It wouldn’t be a Wilde update without someone passing out.


Another milestone complete! New goal of the chapter is to complete the aspiration before the end.

This aspiration is easier than I thought lol


Hoyt’s hosting a gathering of his club and now there are books and glasses all over the house. Poor Gunner is going around trying to clean it all up lol

But it’s okay, because we completed the aspiration! Woohoo! That was easy lol


So we changed his aspiration to the painting one since we’ll have to paint anyway. So here we are!

Well, I’m going to wrap this up here. We’re on a positive note, so we’re going to leave it at that! Join us next time for more Wilde fun!

Extra Bits:

This is Hillary Faust. Gemma and Rohan’s middle kiddo.


Self Wetting (-5) : 35 (-175)
Pass Out (-5) : 146 (-730)
Failing School (-5) : 0 (0)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5) : 4 (-20)
Accidental Deaths (-10) : 4 (-40)
Fires (-10) : 18 (-180)
Social Worker Visit (-15) : 0 (0)

Single Birth (+5) : 25 (+125)
Twins (+10) : 2 (+20)
Triplets (+15) : 2 (+30)
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5) : 63 (+315)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10) : 12 (+120)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5) : 1 (+5)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10) : 3 (+30)
NTH children earning an A in school (+5) : 28 (+140)
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5) : 21 (+105)
Happy Toddler Trait Earned  (+5): 2 (+10)
Top-Notch Toddler Trait Earned (+10): 0 (0)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10) : 2 (+20)
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10) : 6 (+60)
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10) : 6 (+60)
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20) : 5 (+100)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5) : 8 (+40)

Total: 35 (Here’s hoping the positive trend continues!) 

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