Generation E

Chapter 6.10 – Pets Galore


Update Number: 18

Pictures In this Update: 31

Total Pictures: 675

Words in this update: 1846

Total Words: 28,695

Hello guys! Welcome back to the Wilde! Last chapter, Emmalyn finally accomplished things! After eight chapters, she finally managed to get herself immortalized and up on the torch holder wall. AND SHE MANAGED TO COMPLETE AN ASPIRATION MILESTONE!

Let’s hope she just as productive in this chapter!

It’s time for a Wilde Check!

We begin with a very ripped Corey. He’s been working out. A lot. Like his fitness skill is at level seven. No idea how that happened. He’s obsessed. But on the plus side, he’ll be one of the fittest ghosts we have when he dies. …Well as long as his ghost doesn’t disappear on me…

And here’s Miss Emmalyn. She busy communing with her inner weird.


Ah. There’s the insane trait coming out. It doesn’t come out often, but it is today. Enjoy.


…moving on.

Forrest is right where we left him at the end of last chapter. But if you look closely, there’s no food bowl hanging around his bed today.

Or at least not yet. The chapter just started, there’s plenty of time for things to go south.

But we’re thinking positive thoughts. Positive.

Faith is SHOCKED by Corey. Through a wall. Which is weird. Corey is in the bathroom taking a bath. No idea why Faith is freaking out while at the bottom of the stairs… but okay.

Here’s Oreo! He’s busy eyeing the food that someone left sitting out. Not for you, Oreo!

And here are two temp puppers. They are unimportant because they won’t be with us long. But the one on the right is Cinnamon and the one on the left is Porkchop. Still sticking with the food name theme even though they aren’t sticking around lol

Also, no idea why they came in and stared at Corey. It was a little creepy.

Also also, why is Corey so popular in this Wilde check?

Corey: Everybody loves me!

Uh huh. Sure.

And here’s our other temp pupper. This one is called Biscuit.

So if you’re keeping track at home, we have four sims and four pets in our house. NO OOPS BABIES TODAY!

So to start out the chapter, Emmalyn gets right to work building her relationship with the temporary puppers so that she can finish her aspiration. I want it done and I want to never do it ever again. (Except for in The Huckles. But that’s only because I have to do it. *sigh*)

Just so you know, She’s already felt the love with Oreo and Nugget who haunted one night. So we need six more animals. Hopefully we’ll get Pickles and Barley as well.

And just shortly after I took that picture, this happens! We got to feel the love with Cinnamon! So now we can put him up for adoption.

Which I didn’t realize would send the household into a spiral of sadness. Great. Just another reason why this is a dumb aspiration. Whoopie…

told her to go to bed. But she decided that it was a better use of her time to “back float” in the pool. So I’m not surprised that this happened. I’m just glad that she didn’t drown while she was in the pool.

Rude though…


Faith is a good girl! She came home with a B! Which is the first in this generation! So we might actually get and A out of one of them! And it’s fitting that it’s our soon to be heir! I knew she was the right choice! Now she’s off to do her homework!

Faith: No I’m not… I’m too tired. Plus, I don’t have enough skills to get the A…

You can do it! I believe in you!

And then we were able to feel the love with Porkchop! Yippie! That puts us at four out of eight. We’re slowly making it. It’s a good thing that Faith is gonna be our heir, that gives us plenty of time to get this done.

And now we can put Porkchop up for adoption. Which means that they’re all gonna be sad. But I guess thankfully, they still have the moodlet from when we let Cinnamon go, so it’s not gonna change any of their moods.

Finn got married! Now it’s a race to see who’ll have kids first, Emmet or Finn. The wait is killing me!

Also, welcome to the family, Daisy!

Also also, she has a daughter… So we’ll see if that influences anything.

Mother and daughter bonding at four in the morning. What are you two even doing up?!

Emmalyn and Faith: I was hungry! Jinx!

*face palm* What are you two up to?

Emmalyn: Just taking care of the kiddo.

Faith: She lies. I made this myself.

…It’s applesauce…

Forrest: Mom?

Emmalyn: What is this?

Forrest: …That’s your armpit…

Emmalyn: *sniffs* It smells disgusting!

Forrest: Mom, you just took a shower…

Emmalyn: That’s what I mean! It doesn’t smell natural!

*sigh* She’s special, ladies and gents.

And then we got to feel the love with Biscuit! So now we can send him packing. Unfortunately, the sad moodlet that was gone from everyone is going to be back.


Also, Oreo looks super jealous about Biscuit getting all that love! Poor puppers!

Our total is now five out of eight. Three more to go!

And then it was Faith’s birthday. So no A for her. Yet. I still have hope that she’ll get it in her teen years! Everyone cross your fingers!

And here she is! She gained the childish trait to go with active. So we’re doing great! And she also gained the Renaissance Sim aspiration, so we’ve got a new one to do! Woohoo!

Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever done that one yet in the sims 4. So that’ll be fun!

Oreo takes his baths the right way. (So did Pickles, but I never got a pic of that.. whoops) Unlike Nugget, who always like to stick his butt up in the air. Crazy dog

Poor Corey had an awful love day. So he had an emotional out burst with his fame quirk. Which I’m honestly shocked he still has. I expected him to fade out of the spotlight quickly, but he’s still hanging around with a a star of fame.

Our torch holder is taking after her father and starting to work out. I’m not complaining at all, I just didn’t expect it lol

Of course, it looks like she’s just taking some anger out on the poor punching bag.

Also, I just realized this, but she has the happy toddler trait! No idea how that happened, but I’m happy! Not that it gains me points (which I should really ask about… I’ll get back to this)

Forrest is busy doing his homework. Which is pretty much a waste of time.

Forrest: I dunno what you mean? I always do my homework!

Riiiiight. Which is why you have a C and your performance bar is in the orange at “ok” hmmmm?

Forrest: … Lies.

It’s your stat card. It doesn’t lie. Nice try though


Emmalyn got her first make over sim assignment. So we picked this passer-by. His name is Manuia Ausage if anyone cares lol

And I’d show you his makeover, but he stayed in his work outfit (pizza delivery obviously) so you can’t see it anyway. Which is a bummer. It was a good make over lol

Both Corey and Emmalyn were low on fun and you know the easiest and fastest way to build fun for two sims at once… Here’s hoping risky woohoo doesn’t bite us in the ass…

Spoiler: We’re safe! No oops babies today!

Everyone meet Tofu. He’s our latest temporary pet for Emmalyn’s aspiration. Hopefully he won’t be here long.

As predicted, Tofu was only around for a few hours before he was sent on his way to a new home. And everyone was sad again. Whoopie.

And then Pickles came out to haunt! I’ve been hoping that he would come out soon! That’s one less adoption that I have to go through now! Thank goodness! That brings our total to seven out of eight animals needed for the feel the love. I hope that Barley comes out, but that’s looking unlikely at this point. We’ll have to wait and see.

Also, we were able to complete another check point for her aspiration with Pickles’ haunting! We needed to play with two different ghost pets. Well we did Nugget (because Nugget haunts us a LOT!) and with Pickles, we managed to complete that!

So we just need to feel the love one more time and we’ll have this thing finished.

I’ve decided though that this will be a lot easier with the Huckles because I can control those sims their whole lives. I didn’t get a good start on this one with Emmalyn because I couldn’t control her until she was a young adult.

Poor Oreo is kind of on the back burner right now since Emmalyn has already used him for her tally. So I thought it would be nice to give him his own spot light for a minute. I do still watching him a lot. He’s got a bad habit of drinking out of the toilet, but I’m not worried about making him stop. Emmalyn has other things to worry about. And he also love to swim in the pool! Just like Nugget used to. He also follows Emmalyn around when ever there’s another dog in the house just so she knows he’s still there. He’s adorable and I’m glad he’s an actual family pet and not one of the temp one like Tofu was.

And we’re going to end this chapter on a positive note: Corey came home with a promotion! And it was the branch promotion too! We picked the eSport Gamer branch because it seemed like the easier one for him to try and do on his own. But I guess in hindsight, I should have picked an athlete career for him since he’s obsessed with working out. *eye roll*

But anyway! Join us next time for hopefully a completed aspiration, some birthdays, and maybe some positive points! Toodles!

Extra Bits:

This little cutie is Felicity Ward. She’s Elyse and Bobby’s youngest daughter.


Self Wetting (-5) : 30 (-150)
Pass Out (-5) : 101 (-505)
Failing School (-5) : 0 (0)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5) : 3 (-15)
Accidental Deaths (-10) : 1 (-10)
Fires (-10) : 12 (-120)
Social Worker Visit (-15) : 0 (0)

Single Birth (+5) : 18 (+90)
Twins (+10) : 2 (+20)
Triplets (+15) : 1 (+15)
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5) : 40 (+200)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10) : 8 (+80)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5) : 0 (0)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10) : 1 (+10)
NTH children earning an A in school (+5) : 22 (+110)
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5) : 16 (+80)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10) : 2 (+20)
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10) : 5 (+50)
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10) : 5 (+50)
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20) : 5 (+100)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5) : 6 (+30)

Total: 55 (One pass out in this chapter. I’ll take it. But hopefully next chapter will have us rolling in points!)

5 thoughts on “Chapter 6.10 – Pets Galore

  1. Yup, active Sims always do great raising fitness on their own, I think they do better than any other sim skilling automously, I’ve had two uncontrolables master it in my drifter sabe lol
    Also, if I remember correcly Renaissance sim was the aspiration Weasley had, I still remember those last chapters furiously grinding skills to finish it before Adam took over xD


      1. Of course lol the good thing about Faith having that aspiration is that she starts a a little ahead with a couple skills from her teen years, so it should be a little easier!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What a fun update. Hopefully the luck of this gen will continue to rub off and we’ll end on a high note. 🙂 I need to get Alan working on painting and song writing for his aspiration, but it’s been tough with them lately. I love little Fellicity. As always, the cousins are cute!

    Liked by 1 person

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