Generation E

Chapter 6.2 – Bathroom Mishaps


Update Number: 10

Pictures In this Update: 34

Total Pictures: 375

Words in this update: 1820

Total Words: 14,093

Hello hello! We’re back with another wonderful chapter of the Wildes! And guess what! We’ve reached update number TEN!!! Yippie! We’re practically a third of the way through this year’s SimNaNoWriMo! And I’ve just realized that our longest generation was Bellamy’s with twenty chapters. And even if Emmalyn’s goes that long (which I doubt), we’ll still start generation F before this year’s SimNaNoWriMo is done. Whew. That seems like a long way away! But here we go! We got this guys!

Anyway! Let’s start things like always, with a Wilde Check!

We start off with Dakota. Who’s lookin’ like he’s not enjoying the weather channel.

Dakota: No. I need a shower. And it’s gross in here.

How do you figure it’s gross in here?! There’s no stink lines anywhere!

Dakota: There’s a plate on the floor.

… One plate without stink lines is not enough to make you disgusted.

Dakota: Don’t tell me how I feel woman!

Oh, get over it. You’re fine.

Marjorie doesn’t get enough sports ball while at work, that she’s come home and decided to play a sports ball game on the computer.

And it looks like she’s losing.

Marjorie: This is almost like a replay of today’s game.

… Well we can’t all play like the US national team in game one of the world cup.

Marjorie: What’s that? And what’s the US?

Nevermind. Don’t worry about it. It’s not important.

And a newly pregnant Emmalyn is working on her work assignment before she heads to bed.

And yes. She is newly pregnant. Even though she doesn’t look like it. She is twenty hours away from the second trimester. And I know there aren’t twins in there because there’s no room in the house for them.

Emmalyn: Are you calling me fat?

Not at all. You’re just… very pregnant for being in your first trimester.

Emmalyn: *squinty eyes* hmmm

We’re good. Don’t worry about it.

And then there’s Corey who is sleeping and not giving me a lot to work with for my commentary. You have to do better than that.

But I guess that’s what happens when I do a Wilde check at 12:30 in the middle of the night…

Emmet is busy tearing apart the bookshelf and making a mess in the process. But he should be sleeping. It’s way past your bedtime kid! And your a big boy, so you can put yourself to bed. Anytime now. Seriously. Anytime.

Ah, who am I kidding… My family never have a routine…

That should be a challenge. Keeping your family on a routine and you lose points for missing a task.

I would fail.

Nugget, the goodest of good boys, is taking it easy on the couch.

Also, Nugget is now an elder. I somehow missed that and when that happened. But MCCC say that he has five days left.

I will miss him.

But he’s not gone yet, so pull yourself together, Mojo

And here’s the last member of the family, Pickles. He still hasn’t learned that he can let himself out to go potty. And since Emmalyn has gone to bed, I don’t want to wake her up just to do that… So the chances of him peeing right there are high. Very high.

Kole, bless him, picked up the trash can and the trash, just so that he could kick the trash can and make a mess. Wonderful. Thanks a lot, Kole. Now I’m going to have another trash plant around here because I know no one is going to pick that up.


Guys! She’s got the smirk! After so long! The Wilde Smirk is back for promotions!

Oh yeah. She got a promotion too. Forgot to tell you that part I guess lol But you can figure that out from the pic right? You didn’t nee me to tell you that? But that’s fine. This has been good fluff for my word count.

On with your day.

I guess I was wrong. Marjorie saved me from a trash plant! Thank goodness. I had just barely gotten rid of the last one! Stupid ghosts and angry sims come into my house and kick my garbage can over. How rude

And then Corey came home with a promotion! Yay! But now he need the programming skill… I dunno about that one. But hey. If Marjorie can almost max fitness (She’s on level nine!) we can get him to do programming. Let’s cross our fingers!

Also, it looks like the baby is kicking for Emmalyn. This is what happens when risky woohoo hits.

Elena aged up to a young adult! So you know what that means! ROAD TRIP!

At four in the morning… That’s cool.

Damn Deidre! Your house is killer! (I downloaded it from the gallery and I can’t even tell you who built it because my dumbass didn’t save it and right now my internet is out so I can’t look it up either. I’ll update this with the name of the creator if I remember when my internet is back up.)

(Okay internet is back. It’s called Brown Riverside Home by magetwigg)

Anyway, it was like Elena knew what was coming. She was giving Deidre the biggest hug when we got inside. So cute!

But, you’re flagged. No marriage or offspring for you!

And now it’s Emmet’s birthday! (Thank gawd. This was the longest toddler stage ever…)

He looks completely uncertain about what’s about to happen lol

And here he is! What a cutie! And he’s on his way to bed. At nine in the morning. Because remember, we suck routines lol

Well. It’s looks like we’re off to the vet. Again. Nugget has really been a money pit… Maybe try and stay healthy? That’d be great.

I’ll spare you the pics of yet another trip to the vet. It’s literally the same trip over and over

Well that happened…

And we were doing really well this chapter so far too. I don’t even know what happened either. But this was annoying.


It’s baby time! And for the first time in a long time, we managed to get the daddy pre-natal panic!


Emmalyn: Oh my gawd, he’s so annoying. Can we get him to leave?

Sorry, no can do. He’s an Uncontrollable. You’ll have to deal with the crazy.


That’s obvious…

Everyone, meet baby Finn! The newest addition to the Wilde! I hope he’s cute.

Corey: Is it done yet?

Emmalyn: I’m gonna kill him.

Corey: Okay okay, I’m leaving. HI FINN!

*face palm* This family some days

But at least he’s positive points!


And because giving birth was more important than going to the bathroom… We had another accident.

Emmalyn: This is the second pair of pants TODAY! What the hell! I know they said you pee’d more when you’re pregnant, but c’mon!

Ha. And you’re not even pregnant anymore. You can’t use that as an excuse!

Emmalyn: Shut up. My inner crazy is gonna come out. D’you want that?

Yes actually. You’re being pretty boring.

And look at that. Dakota reminds us that he was, at one point, and actual father.

Dakota: I was always a father. I just didn’t always take care of the kids

Emmet. You didn’t take care of Emmet. I made you take care of the rest of them.

Dakota: Semantics.

*sigh* Just feed the kid

Elyse got married and is expecting! It’s about damn time, girl! I’ve been waiting for this for a while!

And look at that! Daelyn actually got married! Let this be a lesson: It’s never too late to find love!

And as you can see, Nugget still hasn’t figured out how to put his butt down while getting a bath. How obnoxious lol

Emmalyn: Really, Nugs? Put your butt down!

Nugget: Woof!

Emmalyn: No… down!

Nugget: Woof! *wags tail*

Emmalyn: NO! Damn it! Now I’m wet…

Nugget: WOOF!

oh damn. Sorry, Emmalyn… This one was all me. They kept canceling Nugget’s bath, so I kept making them do it. But I guess this is why they kept quitting in the first place… That’s a my bad.

But the way Nugget is staring at her is hilarious. It’s like he’s disgusted and disappointed that this happened in the first place lol


And look at that! Now I have to squeeze in a trip to visit Elijah. *Sigh*

And I was surprised to learn that they live in the ancestral home of the Pancakes lineage. That’s cool.

And Elijah looks absolutely devastated that he won’t have a chance to get married and have kids.

Elijah: My aspiration is big happy family. AND I have the family oriented trait.

Damn. That’s rough. Oh well. Your sob story isn’t going to change my mind. You’ll be fine.

Elijah: Just miserable…

That’s up to you

Meanwhile, at the house, Corey’s got his parenting game down pat. It only took him two tries to figure out what exactly Finn needed! I’m so proud!

And then Corey decides to test this newfound luck by grilling out in the back patio. I got nervous when I saw the notification for reaching cooking level ONE! Everyone cross your fingers!

Spoiler: He makes it through with no fires thank goodness. But when he finished he set the burgers on the table and THEN HE WALKED OFF WITHOUT EATING ANYTHING! He tested the waters without actually eating! So stressful.

And we’re going to end this chapter on a high note: Marjorie came home with a promotion! She’s now a level 8 athlete! She’s so close to finishing! I’m hoping that she accomplish this one!

But if you notice, she’s gonna need charisma skill… Which is one of the hardest skills to get up without any direct control. *sigh* this might be where it ends…

Well… This is where this chapter ends at least lol

Extra Bits:

Here’s Evie Pancakes! Davina and Dennis’s daughter. She’s really pretty! One of my favorites that’s for sure!


Self Wetting (-5) : 23 (-115)
Pass Out (-5) : 91 (-455)
Failing School (-5) : 0 (0)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5) : 3 (-15)
Accidental Deaths (-10) : 1 (-10)
Fires (-10) : 12 (-120)
Social Worker Visit (-15) : 0 (0)

Single Birth (+5) : 16 (+80)
Twins (+10) : 2 (+20)
Triplets (+15) : 1 (+15)
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5) : 38 (+190)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10) : 8 (+80)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5) : 0 (0)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10) : 1 (+10)
NTH children earning an A in school (+5) : 22 (+110)
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5) : 15 (+75)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10) : 2 (+20)
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10) : 4 (+40)
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10) : 4 (+40)
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20) : 4 (+80)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5) : 4 (+20)

Total: 65 (Guys… our score is going the WRONG WAY! Emmet needs to hurry up and get out so that we can get the end of generation points for generation E…)

4 thoughts on “Chapter 6.2 – Bathroom Mishaps

  1. Congrats on baby Finn! And it’s a Nice surprise that Corey knows how to take care of him! I love when uncontrolables are not totally useless lol
    Good luck with Marjorie topping her career! Active Sims are great at keeping fit so at least that’s something xD

    And awwwn I feel a little bad for poor Elijah xD but that’s how things need to be sometimes. Evie is really pretty! Almost like Becca back in gen B!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, Evie really is VERY pretty. I love all your cousins, and I feel a bit for Elijah. I take it you flag them so it doesn’t get too overrun with Wildes now? I know for a while it was because the family relationships broke, but didn’t know if that was still what you cared about.

    Sorry about the points. This has been a truly rough generation. I hope it gets better, but from the titles of your posts my guess is it doesn’t. I will eventually catch up on this blog!

    Liked by 1 person

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