Generation D

Chapter 5.15 – Oops…


Update Number: 8

Pictures In this Update: 40

Total Pictures: 295

Words in this update: 1934

Total Words: 10,429

Hello hello! We’re back again! I hope the last chapter didn’t exhaust you as much as it did me! Remember, the requirement for SimNaNo changed a bit (see last chapter for more info. OR better yet, check them out over at boolprop! Just click HERE!)

Anyway! Last chapter we gained a couple cousins, Nugget finally grew out of the puppy stage and ELYSE FINALLY MOVED OUT! Emmalyn is still six days out from her birthday, so here’s hoping we can hit our word count goal for this chapter before that happens.

Expect lots of random pictures with lots of weird commentary.

No judging.


We start things off with our current torch holder, Dakota! He’s busy chowing down on a cheeseburger.

Damn. Now I really want a burger. But no one sells burgers at 9:30 in the morning. *sigh* sometimes working the night shift has it’s down falls. Normal people don’t eat burger for breakfast, but I do!

And Marjorie just got home from work. And wouldn’t you know it, she’d rather stand outside in the rain than go inside. I know you’re dirty, Marjorie, but just standing there isn’t going to help you.

Marjorie: What? It’s just a natural shower right?

Ummmm… No. Just… No.

Here’s our future torch holder, Emmalyn! She’s on her way to the bathroom.

Emmalyn: I don’t need an audience.

Hey, the people want to know our next heiress!

Emmalyn: Too bad. Get out of the way.

So rude.

And then there’s Easton. Who is being really boring and not giving me any material to work with for my commentary.


Easton: Is she gone?

HA! You ARE awake! You faker!

Easton: Shit… I mean-zzzZZZzzzZZZzzz



And the goodest of good boys, Nugget is getting some cuddles from Dakota.

Gawd I want some puppy snuggles. I need to go visit my brother and get some puppy snuggles from his dog.

Emmalyn broke our washing machine and tried to cover it up. You can’t hide anything from me girlie. I see and know all. Just ask my co-workers.

Emmalyn: You know I just found this like this right? I’m trying to be NICE and clean up the mess.

You were the last to touch the washer, so it was you. Trust me.

Emmalyn: Whatever.

It’s lottery day! I wish I could buy everyone a ticket… But alas, it is not meant to be. But at least I can buy Dakota’s ticket!

Not that it matters. We probably won’t win.

I never win

Spoiler: We didn’t win.

And between eating and taking a vacation day, Dakota forgot to use the bathroom, so we had an accident out on the back patio.

Dakota: Don’t blame this on me! You control my actions!

Well, yeah. But you could at least TRY to go.

Dakota: I DID! But you made me take vacation instead!

Oh yeah… whoops. My bad.


If you were ever curious about the personalities of the two remaining kids… This is it. Easton always makes sure to complete his homework and almost always does the extra credit as well.

Emmalyn on the other hand… she’s more interesting in food. And trolling. And almost anything other than school work.

But I love them both!

Guys. I love insane sims. I’m so glad that Emmalyn is our next torch holder! BRING ON THE EMOTION OUTBURSTS!

Also: “The voices are talking in the language of love” KILLS ME!

What’s this? Why yes! We’ve adopted another dog! This one is a lab named Pickles! …I’ve noticed that all my pets have had names related to food, so I picked the only one that was named after a food lol! There was also one named Fish, but I liked the name Pickles better.

Poor Nugget now has to fight for attention. Don’t worry, Nugget. You’ll  always be the goodest good boy around!

Poor pickles is really afraid of the computer. I do find that the pets get afraid of the weirdest stuff and then they like to sit near the object that they’re afraid of. It’s weird and annoying.

Emmalyn gets and unauthorized start to her cooking skill. I realize that as the next torch holder, you need to have that skill, but seriously. Can’t you wait? I don’t want any unnecessary fires.

Emmalyn: Relax. We’re good! I got this!

… I have no confidence.




Emmalyn: Screw off.


It is now day 5 of spring and IT IS STILL SNOWING! This is like the never ending winter.

Not gonna lie, that did just happen to us in real life. It still snowed toward the end of May. I can’t even remember the last time that it snowed that late in my area.

Again, we see our goody two shoes working on his homework. Give it a rest dude, you’re not gonna be the heir.

Easton: Hey, there’s still time.

No. Your sister’s birthday is in four days. There’s nothing that you or she could do to change my mind.

Easton: What if she dies?

What the hell?! What’s wrong with you?!

Easton: Nothing… Nothing at all… *shifty eyes*

Bless you, Caileigh, for mopping the puddle outside in the rain. Sims logic is the best and always keeps me on my toes. I love it.

Emmalyn shocks the hell outta me and does her homework.

She’s probably trying to make up for the fire that she started earlier.

Emmalyn: I’m telling ya, it’s your fault that the fire started.

Says the one who was actually doing the grilling.

Emmalyn: Screw you! I’m doing my homework, what else do you want from me?!

No more accidents for a start…

Emmalyn: *sigh*

Easton brings home an A on holiday. That always cracks me up whenever that happens lol. Stay home, don’t do anything, still get the A. Easy peasy.

Guys… Whut? Who sanctioned this?


Risky woohoo strikes again… Damn

Hey Bellamy! Thanks for still helping with the household funds even from the afterlife. You’re my hero.

Spoiler: This ended up being a masterpiece!

I got a notification that Dakota had learned the gardening skill and I was confused because there was no way I told him to do anything like that. But sure enough, I found him out there planting flowers left behind by the flower bunny.

I don’t expect them to survive though. So this is probably going to be the only time you see them.

We invited over a couple of teens (this one being Kellen Munch) and we’re talking up Emmalyn in the hopes that she’ll have a head start on dating when she ages up in a few days

Spoiler: Nothing panned out. Emmalyn had absolutely no desire to meet the teens her dad had invited over. How rude.

Marjorie came home with a promotion! This makes her a level 7 athlete! I’m so impressed! She may actually max her career!

Also, we’re being stalked by vampires again.

Hello Caleb.

Dakota went on another fixing spree. All these ghosts like to break all of our shit and it’s really annoying and I wish they would at least fix them after they break them but noooooooooooooo we can’t have that now can we? So it all falls to Dakota since no one else in the house want to help fix things since Caileigh died.

Nugget, the goodest of good boys, is always out in the pool. It’s cute and hilarious and I thought you guys would enjoy it. So here ya go!

Everybody now: aweeeee

Meanwhile, Pickles was in need of a bath. So Dakota took a break from his fixing spree to get that done. And now Pickles is all bright shiny and new!

And just like that, Emmalyn dies.

Emmalyn: I’M NOT DEAD!

Oh what a shame. Also, Dakota’s face is exactly how I feel. I’m so mad. And just think people… she’s our next torch holder.

Easton from the other side of the room: IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO CHOOSE ME!


At this point, if the new baby is a girl, she’s the heir. Otherwise we’re stuck with fire fingers here.

Emmalyn: You love me, don’t deny it.

… I deny it


And now she’s trying to make it up to me by cleaning the house. It’s not gonna help your case, girl. You’re dug your grave. If you weren’t the next chosen torch holder, you would have faced Caden’s fate of being ignored for the rest of your existence.

Emmalyn: Well, that’s a little harsh!


Emmalyn: You’ll make it back, no problem! The end of a generation is coming up! So you’ll be fine.

Not until your unborn sibling ages up and moves out! That’s FOREVER AWAY!

Emmalyn: I’ll make it up to you! Lots of babies! I promise!

… *glares*

Emmalyn: See? I told you I would get you some points!

Five. You gained five. That doesn’t offset all the other points that you lost…

Emmalyn: I’m trying here!

Whatever. I’m still mad at you.


Easton continues to try and prove he should be the next torch holder. Sorry dude, but you’re not a girl, so you’re not gonna be the next heir.

Easton: But, I can cook without starting a fire!

True, and I love that, but you’re still a dude.

Would you hurry up and have that oops baby?! I want to know if it’s a girl!

Marjorie: Soon. I promise.

Great. Now she’s come home from school in a mood. And today is her birthday. The absolute LAST thing I want is for her to die after growing up. So now we have to wait. Wonderful



It’s baby time!

Let’s cross our fingers for a girl that way we can kick out Emmalyn

Emmalyn: HEY!

Deal with it

Well, there goes that dream.

Everyone meet the newest Wilde, Emmet!


And just like that it was time for Emmalyn’s birthday.


And just like that, Dakota’s reign is over and we move into Emmalyn’s reign.


she aged up with the responsible (+5) and the insensitive (-5) traits so they cancel each other out.

Side note: On the plus side, I did realize while going through the points that I forgot to award the points for Randomizing every trait and aspiration and not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for Dakota’s generation. So that would be a +10 for each of those for a total of +20! Yay!

Extra Bits:

Here’s Elena Sommerton. Deidre and Marshall’s daughter

And this is Elijah Pancakes. Son of Davina and Dennis.

And here’s his little sister, Evie!


Self Wetting (-5) : 20 (-100)
Pass Out (-5) : 86 (-430)
Failing School (-5) : 0 (0)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5) : 3 (-15)
Accidental Deaths (-10) : 1 (-10)
Fires (-10) : 12 (-120)
Social Worker Visit (-15) : 0 (0)

Single Birth (+5) : 15 (+75)
Twins (+10) : 2 (+20)
Triplets (+15) : 1 (+15)
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5) : 37 (+185)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10) : 8 (+80)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5) : 0 (0)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10) : 1 (+10)
NTH children earning an A in school (+5) : 22 (+110)
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5) : 15 (+75)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10) : 2 (+20)
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10) : 4 (+40)
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10) : 4 (+40)
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20) : 4 (+80)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5) : 4 (+20)

Total: 95 (still managed to gain 10 points even after all of Emmalyn’s fails…) 

5 thoughts on “Chapter 5.15 – Oops…

  1. I wasn’t expecting that ‘oops’ baby xD its a shame that it wasn’t a girl! Because Emmalyn definitely didn’t wabt to be heir with all those Lost points! But anyway, congrats on finishing the generation and surviving those last hard days! Let’s hope generation E makes it a little easier!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awww, I love Emmalyn. I hope she turns out to be your Alan. A lot of fun later even if annoying in early life. 😀 She is very pretty though and will make some pretty babies. Poor Easton just didn’t stand a chance, but he did so good! Darn that oops baby. I don’t have the woohoo module for MCCC. For one, it would not be good for my EPIC, nor for my name game, maybe someday after those are done.

    Liked by 1 person

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