Generation D

Chapter 5.11 – PDA


Update Number: 4

Pictures In this Update: 37

Total Pictures: 128

Words in this update: 1024

Total Words: 4389

Welcome back! Yes, last chapter was SUPER BORING! Not a lot happened except for Dakota completing his aspiration and the family moving to our NEW HOUSE!!!!


Anyway, let’s move on to the next chapter! WILDE CHECK!

Kole and Caileigh have managed to find their new room and have bunked down to catch a few z’s.

Dakota has also managed to find his new room as well. Enjoy your nap!

Poor Marjorie starts right on housework. One of the sinks came from the old house broken. Bummer

Elyse has also found her room. Sweet dreams!

Emmalyn has also entered dream land in her new room.

Wow, this is a really boring Wilde check. I’m sorry.

Easton looks confused by his new surroundings. Gosh he’s so cute!

And Barley seems to be enjoying his stuff in the new house as well!

Dakota and Easton are having fun playing dolls together!

Dakota looks a little stressed out though. Wonder what that’s about?

The Strawberry bear is actually Elyse in disguise! Yup, she hit the bear phase!

But it doesn’t matter! She managed to get an A on holiday! Yippie! +5


Kole is the first one to use our new washer and dryer! Yay for idiot help!

Deidre had her baby! Welcome to the fam, Elena!

The kid from Hell finally died. See ya in hell, Caden!

Also, Caela died. If you remember that far back, She was Breanna’s daughter.

The old man is sick. That’s unfortunate.

Also, I’m so glad that we don’t get those crazy looking rashes on our bodies when we’re sick lol

Marjorie came home angry from a work event. And as an obviously mature adult, she decided to take it out on our garbage can.

Guys! I somehow missed Barley becoming an elder! This is so sad! Although, on the bright side, when Barley passes, we’ll be able to get a dog.

I don’t know if you all remember that far back, but Dakota has both the cat lover and dog lover traits. So we’re making sure that he gets to have both.

My plan is working! Elyse is doing homework at her desk! Focusing lights for the win!

Also, I wish Emmalyn was an over achiever like Elyse… Elyse is really trying to win heirship from Emmalyn at this point.

Kole! What the hell buddy?! You know your grandkids use that all the time right?

Kole: Damn kids woke me up from my nap. This will teach them.

Stupid lazy sims.

Fuck. This is not good guys… Caden’s damn ghost is coming back to haunt us… -10

At least Dakota’s got his priorities straight and is saving the kid.

And then there’s Elyse who had to see what was happening to Emmalyn and then caught herself on fire.

Stupid sims

Then I got this achievement and was like “What? Who’s doing that? I didn’t tell anyone to woohoo in the rocketship!”

So I investigated…

And yupp… Someone was definitely getting it on in our rocketship! Thank you, MCCC

And as for the culprits…

It was Kole and Caileigh. Damn old people living it up in their old age.

At least we know that they are still completely in love with each other.

It’s Dakota’s birthday!

Caileigh still is the master of the easel! Working hard to make more money for a future move! Especially since this one turned out to be a masterpiece

Marjorie came home with a promotion! And it was the branch promotion! Since Dakota when the bodybuilder direction, Marjorie when the professional athlete direction.

We’ll see how far she gets

Davina had her baby! Welcome to the family, Elijah!

Goodness guys! look at them! It’s non-stop! It’s a good thing they can’t have babies anymore! lol

Birthday time for the little man!

Marjorie: TOOT!

Glad to see a member of the family actually made it to a birthday. Normally, all the birthdays are lonesome affairs.

I guess it helps that she was already in the kitchen…

Look at Mr. Breaker of hearts over here! Look out ladies! Easton is on the prowl!

Truth time: He is probably not gonna be heir just for the simple fact that he’s a boy. Also, he got the boring dog lover trait, soooooo nahhhh

Shit would really have to go down for him to become heir.

He’s making his best effort to not be excluded though. He started and finished his homework with the help of his momma. Weird though that they did it in Elyse’s room. While she was sleeping…

I do have to give him props though. I don’t think Emmalyn has touched her homework ONCE since her birthday…

Who the fuck??? What is this? Since when was this a thing? Has anyone else ever had this happen to them before?

The couple that bathes together stays together! …Wait that’s not right… But there they are. They don’t have as much time for PDA as Kole and Caileigh, but they do manage to squeeze in some loving every now and then.

I just miss it lol

Damn Dakota! That does NOT look comfortable… Although as a lazy sim, he doesn’t care at all. But my neck hurts just looking at him…

And we’ll leave this chapter with a wonderful shot of Caileigh really struggling on the treadmill. The poor girl is really trying to overexert herself. Just like her dad, Bellamy did towards the end of his lifespan…

Extra Bits:

Here’s Elena! Deidre’s little girl! She’s adorable!


Self Wetting (-5) : 18 (-90)
Pass Out (-5) : 79 (-395)
Failing School (-5) : 0 (0)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5) : 1 (-5)
Accidental Deaths (-10) : 0 (0)
Fires (-10) : 9 (-90)
Social Worker Visit (-15) : 0 (0)

Single Birth (+5) : 14 (+70)
Twins (+10) : 2 (+20)
Triplets (+15) : 1 (+15)
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5) : 36 (+180)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10) : 8 (+80)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5) : 0 (0)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10) : 1 (+10)
NTH children earning an A in school (+5) : 19 (+95)
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5) : 12 (+60)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10) : 2 (+20)
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10) : 3 (+30)
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10) : 3 (+30)
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20) : 4 (+80)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5) : 4 (+20)

Total: 130 

5 thoughts on “Chapter 5.11 – PDA

  1. Oh my gosh, never seen Unique EA Sim. That’s funny. Do you have notifications on for everyone? I was trying to get it set up to let me rename my name game kids when they were born, but it never lets me when it’s on “related to active household.” You would think it would, but it doesn’t so I’m curious what other people have set. *shurg*

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