Generation D

Chapter 5.9 – Triumphant Return


Update Number: 2

Pictures In this Update: 27

Total Pictures: 58

Words in this update: 1070

Total Words: 2145

Why hello there! Yes, we are back! SimNa is back and we’re going for platinum! BRING ON THE UPDATES! And the stress that comes with it…

Even though I’m sure you all remember what happened in yesterday’s chapter, let’s recap! Mojo forgot that you lose points in an ISBI which resulted in lots of avoidable lost points, our cat is MIA, and we welcomed a little boy, Easton, into the family!

But on with this chapter! Lets begin with a Wilde check!

Kole and Dakota are sharing a really weird moment filled with awkward smiles and stares at each other.

It’s actually a little creepy and for a second I wondered if they had become Infected. But then I remembered that the Wilde’s haven’t done anything with Strangerville.

Here’s Caileigh (I remembered her name this time! Yay! Go me!). She’s on her way to break up the super weird and awkward staring contest between Kole and Dakota.

Marjorie is killin’ it! I know you guys are super jealous of her mad dancing skills. Even if they are outdated.

And Elyse thought it would be a good idea to go outside in a BLIZZARD to react to the “first snow”.


Which is annoying because she’s currently my front runner for heirship…

Poor Emmalyn is in a bad state. The poor girl has two need in the green (bladder and fun), two in the orange (Attention and Energy), and two in the red (hunger and hygiene). And to top it all off, she’s sad because Barley ran away.

Poor girl is having a rough start to life

And I can’t promise that it’ll get better.

Speaking of rough starts to life, poor Easton is feeling awfully forgotten.

Which is not a lie.

Poor kid.

*And missing here is a pic of Barley because the stupid cat ran away. Rude. I could have used his picture for SimNaNo.*

Emmalyn throws a tantrum in the bathroom and Caileigh is not impressed.

Marjorie has not a care in the world

NO! NO NO NO NO NO! Turn off those sexy eyes! No more kids! Because I’m sure Emmalyn is going to be whisked away by Social Services the way you’re going.

GUYS! BARLEY’S BACK! Hella dirty and with fleas. BUT WHO CARES! Never leave me Dakota again, Barley!

Also, look at how much they love each other! Why would he run away in the first place?!

Not even home five minutes and Marjorie’s incessant dancing has him scares of the stereo. *eye roll*

I’m tempted to get rid of all the stereos. They serve absolutely no purpose besides preventing Marjorie from doing parenting things.

Marjorie does her one parenting task for the week and gives Emmalyn a MUCH needed bath.

Although from this angle, it looks like Marjorie is trying to do something else… Maybe Dakota should do the baths from now on.

Guys. Elyse and Emmalyn are super adorable and always want to hang out with each other. I’m dead, they’re so cute!

Elyse: And the the dinosaur went “RAWR!”

Emmalyn: RAWR!

Then grandpa interrupts the sister bonding time to teach Emmalyn about hygiene. Grandpa has no room to talk though. At least the toddler dressed herself today.

whomp whomp. Dakota is killing this heir thing. I can’t even be mad though, he managed to Emmalyn to bed before he passed out.


Dakota, who’s supposed to be SLEEPING, was woken up by Easton. But instead of going back to bed, he thought that THAT MOMENT was the BEST time to view this painting.

At this point I got curious about our money standings and found this! WE’RE RICH! Thank goodness for that, because we ain’t got much more going for us…


Easton had a birthday! And since he aged up looking decent, you actually get the pre-makeover picture! He does get a really small makeover, just not his hair or everyday. SO THIS IS THE ONLY PICTURE YOU GET RIGHT NOW

Hot stuff over here just came home with a B! She’s the first kid in a while that’s made any sort of effort on her schooling. I have high hopes for this one.

Elyse: Heirship is MINE!

Slow your roll kid. There’s still plenty of time in this generation

Deidre becomes the first (and let’s be honest here, probably the only) sister to expand the spare branches of our family tree.


Oh Easton… Honestly, you were never really in the running for heirship, but this is definitely NOT helping your case…

Kole and Marjorie are killing the spouse role! Kole is now level nine of the Scientist career and Marjorie is now level four of the athlete career. NO MORE LLAMA UNIFORM FOR HER! Thank goodness. It was driving me nuts…

Emmalyn was trying to be smarter than Easton and snuck outside to make a mess.

Have I mentioned lately how much I’m glad that messes are not negative points?

Dakota came home with a promotion! Do you guys remember when the torch holders would come home happy when they got a promotion? Where have those days gone??

Also, notice it’s the lottery!? EVERYONE CROSS YOUR FINGERS!

Spoiler: We didn’t win. I’ve never won the lottery in any of my games. Which is really sad. I wanna win just one time!

Davina joins Deidre with the baby makin’! I’m so happy!

Wait, this means I have to keep track of them.


It’s Emmalyn’s birthday! Yay for one less toddler!!

Here she is! What a cutie! Side braids for the win! She gained the insane erratic trait. Which, of course catapults her to the top of the heirship line. She edges out Elyse who has the mean trait. Erratic > Mean ANY DAY.


Self Wetting (-5) : 18 (-90)
Pass Out (-5) : 79 (-395)
Failing School (-5) : 0 (0)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5) : 1 (-5)
Accidental Deaths (-10) : 0 (0)
Fires (-10) : 8 (-80)
Social Worker Visit (-15) : 0 (0)

Single Birth (+5) : 14 (+70)
Twins (+10) : 2 (+20)
Triplets (+15) : 1 (+15)
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5) : 35 (+175)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10) : 7 (+70)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5) : 0 (0)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10) : 1 (+10)
NTH children earning an A in school (+5) : 18 (+90)
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5) : 12 (+60)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10) : 2 (+20)
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10) : 3 (+30)
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10) : 3 (+30)
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20) : 4 (+80)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5) : 4 (+20)

Total: 120 (Yay for rich sims!!)

7 thoughts on “Chapter 5.9 – Triumphant Return

  1. yey for the return of the Wildes! I’ve missed so much your updates!

    all the kids are so cute, but I must admit I’m also siding with Emmalyn for next heir, she’s really beautiful and also the erratic trait is always an extra!
    Good think that Barley wasn’t gone for too long and also that you could get last chapter’s points back xD I hope everything works well for Dakota now that he only needs to take care for one kid

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I signed up for SimNaNoWriMo, too, only I signed up with a legacy family… not my ISBI.It’ll be my first try at SimNaNoWriMo, completely inspired by you. 😉

    I love reading your stories. All of them. But the Wilde’s are hilarious. 🙂 I just re-read pretty much all the Wilde’s again, so I spammed you with “like” notifications… and it was fun to look back. It’s going to be awesome to read more Wilde updates than usual this month!


  3. YAY for the kitty being back!!! Also, yes to Emmalyn being heir, hopefully. I LOVE HER!!!! She’s had me since she was a toddler, and YES so glad messes are not lost points. I’m not sure what you could do to stop them anyway. Love it!!! Need to get back to mine, but I’m scared…..they really need another new house sometime soon.

    Liked by 1 person

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