Generation C

Chapter 4.3 – Visitors And Family

Welcome back! We begin this chapter with Bellamy somehow managing to slip and fall on a mud puddle. In the middle of the house… He’s very special.

Kole is walking around the house so happy that his eyes are closed! This family is so weird.

*not pictured* Lillie and Caileigh are at work

Bellamy, your tears go well with the rain.

“My dad just died! Leave me alone!”

Eh. You’ll get over it.

I realized that we haven’t given Kole a job yet! Well we fixed that!

He now works with Lillie at the science lab

Have fun with that

I think it’s about time to get started on Generation D, don’t you?

Caileigh: Aw yeah! It’s about time!

And we’re expecting Baby D! Caileigh doesn’t look to happy…

And Kole was less than thrilled about it too. Geez… What the hell guys!

WESLEY! HI! I miss you!

And thank you for cleaning up Kole’s baby tears. The big baby.

“Back in my day, people were happy to have babies.”

Okay, old timer

We had a visitor… It’s been a LOOOONG time since I’ve had a vampire break in.

Lillie?! Your target was Lillie?! Whut.

Lillie woke up and was like-


Yeah, like that.

After consulting with Lynnwood, I’ve decided that since Vamp attacks are controllable at all, this doesn’t count as a fail! Yay

But poor Lillie. That’s unfortunate.

Getting in some last minute programming before work!

Which paid off with a complete milestone! +5

Everyone’s at work and Bellamy’s on his own. Which of course isn’t good for his obvious moodiness.

“My dad died.”

You would be over it if you didn’t keep going out to his grave every few hours…

Promotion! Woop!

Working on providing for the incoming nooboo

And we have another milestone! +5

Awe! These two are still cute.

Side Note: No idea why they are outside

Family bonding! Easy to do when there are only 4 people in the house

Oh no! She’s sick!

Also, in this pic, she currently REALLY needs to use the bathroom. Pregnancy has really had to make her pee all the time. No morning sickness. Just peeing. All the time

She’s wet. Why is she wet? She’s inside. If you look closely, you can see she’s dripping. What the hell

This is just like Bellamy slipping in mud in the bedroom

Good for you Bell! Earn that money! I want a new house.

Did y’all know you could change the shapes of the puddles?! I sure didn’t, so this was a neat find!

It’s a DUCKY!

Look who aged up! So we’re off on an adventure!

The minute we get there and Bellamy is called home

Bellamy: “Not again!”

Carson: “I don’t see anything…”

Anyway! *flagged*

Carson: “Rude”

Too bad. Deal with it.

Of COURSE she would go into labor while we’re visiting fam and Bellamy is abducted. Great timing, Caileigh.

Caileigh: “Not *breathes* my *breathes* choice”

Anyway, her needs were pretty decent, so we stayed home for the birth.









At least they’re worth +15 points… Anyway. from left to right: Davina, Daelyn, and Deidre

Join us next time when Mojo tries not to pull out all her hair!

Extra Bits:

Colin Yancey (Donald and Breanna’s kid)


Self Wetting/Using diaper (-5) : 17 (-85)
Pass Out (-5) : 50 (-250)
Failing School (-5) : 0 (0)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5) : 0 (0)
Accidental Deaths (-10) : 0 (0)
Fires (-10) : 6 (-60)
Social Worker Visit (-15) : 0 (0)

Single Birth (+5) : 11 (+55)
Twins (+10) : 2 (+20)
Triplets (+15) : 1 (+15)
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5) : 26 (+130)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10) : 5 (+50)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5) : 0 (0)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10) : 1 (+10)
NTH children earning an A in school (+5) : 18 (+90)
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5) : 8 (+40)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10) : 1 (+10)
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10) : 3 (+30)
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10) : 3 (+30)
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20) : 1 (+20)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5) : 3 (+15)

Total: 120 (Somebody’s gonna have to really screw up for us to go back to the negative)

12 thoughts on “Chapter 4.3 – Visitors And Family

  1. OMG!!! More tripplets really? Oh man, Your game really has something with multiples lately D: I hope they’re a little less work this time at least, thought for my experience, tripplets are always a nightmare D:
    On the bright side, their names are really pretty ;D


    1. Yeah it does! Its really annoying lol! And it sucks because i can only control Caileigh so I’m hoping that the idiots will be able to help out lol


      1. Let’s hope for the best xD with four adults in the house at least one should be able to help! xD I just hope Caileigh won’t go crazy

        Liked by 1 person

  2. TRIPLETS!!! OMG…..well, hopefully with 4 adults (even though only 1 is controllable) they will make it through. Wow, never had triplets yet….and they seemed sad to be pregnant. That was a bit of a twist ending I didn’t expect.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. TRIPLETS! I haven’t had those like… in a really long time. Not sure I’ve had TS4 triplets? I know I have in TS3… The toddler stage is gonna be BRUTAL.


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