Generation B

Special Announcement!

Hey guys! I just wanted to write a small post letting you know a couple things. The first is that I 


Its called Here Comes The Boom. Its a baby boom challenge (which is similar to a 100 baby challenge) I’m only 1 chapter in so go check it out! The link to the page can be found on the “My other Stories” tab. I hope you enjoy!
The other part of this announcement is that my computer crashed. Luckily i had backed up all my games and photos right before it happened so I didnt lose anything. *whew!* I have a new computer ordered and it should be here either Monday or Tuesday. So I should have regular posts starting again the following week. As far as I know, the only thing that I lost was the beginning of a 6th story that I haven’t published yet, so that I will have to start over but that’s okay! As long as everything else is okay!
So that’s all! I just wanted to fill you all in! Go check out the new story! And look for new posts starting again in December!! Toodles!

2 thoughts on “Special Announcement!

  1. Awesome! I was wondering where you were at! Sorry about your computer, but glad you’re getting a new one. Looking forward to your new story and some regular posts.


    1. Yeah, I got off work Wednesday morning and went to turn it on and do a lot of playing because of the long holiday weekend, but my computer wouldnt boot up! I tried everything I could think of to get it going and nothing. So I ordered a new one lol! I cant wait to get back to playing!


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