Generation A

Chapter 2.9 – Life Of An Insomniac


Hello and welcome back to another super fun chapter of The Wilde’s!! Okay, maybe it’s not a super fun chapter (you’ll find out why soon). But more about that later on. Let’s begin with a Wilde check!

We begin with Adam relieving himself, with what looks like a sad expression on his face. Don’t know what that’s about.


Here’s Harley, eating cake and cheesing for the camera.


Bentley and Breanna are both off in dreamland


And Brenden is walking around with mean face. He’s angry about something but I forgot what it was.


And Wesley decided to join us for Wilde check! Aaaand he’s angry. Great.


Awe, Wesley and Brenden are being cute! Harley on the other hand… That must hurt. As a woman, I can confirm that that would be super painful and also not possible. But ouch.


Yes Brenden, that is the PERFECT place to play with toys! You’re so smart!


Painting to make some money! I really want to move, but I’m starting to think that we might not make the big move in this generation…I’m going to try my hardest, but I’m not crossing my fingers or anything.


Hiya Brad! You look an awful lot like your dad did. I sorta wish Austin won heirship. I would have loved red headed kids! As it is, all three of Adam’s are blonde! Not a single one of them have Harley’s hair color!


Amberly had her baby! It’s a boy! (I swear, all my game is capable of producing are boys… All the spare’s kids are boys with one exception, Bianca. I’m so annoyed)


Hi Shiew… Not gonna lie… I’m kinda over all the ghostly visits… It’s like they never even died.


In other news, we have a rouge baby! Someone put a diaper on that boy! None of my toddlers ever do this autonomously, so it was great to see this!


Baby time! Woohoo!


Meet baby boy Bellamy! +5 (See what I mean about the boys?! geez)


Bentley earned an A! And this is even AFTER I got rid of all of the focusing lights! +5


Aaaand then Brenden used his diaper… -5


And apparently, I missed this notification, but Adeline and Austin had a baby. 2 guesses what it was? Of course, it’s a boy! /sarcasm


Oh thanks Harley. You could at least make it into the house before you pass out. -5


Harley: Okay, no problem!

*facepalm* -5


Adam tries to potty train this kid so that he’ll stop using his stupid diaper… But the kid doesn’t want to.


Now I know where Brenden get the whole playing in the bathroom thing. Caught Bentley doing it too. Only she makes much funnier faces!


I decided that it was time to catch up with all the spares’ kids. So here we go!


This is Blaze, Arik and Cassandra’s kid. He looks super suave! (Fun fact: I did seriously consider Cassandra for Adam, but decided against her since her name is long… lol)


This is teenage Brad, Austin and Adeline’s first kid. Kid’s got some really big eyes. I struggled to find a decent hair style that fit his face… lol


Here’s Bianca, Alicia and Max’s first kid. I see a lot of Max in her.


And here we have Bryce, Alicia and Max’s second born. I love the green eyes.



This is Boone and Beckham. Alexis and Joaquin’s twin boys. Boone is the brunette and Beckham is the blonde. So far, Boone takes after Alexis and Beckham takes after Joaquin.

/end spare time


Adam got a promotion! Yay more money!


Seriously, Harley?! Again! -5


STOP!!!!! I BEG OF YOU! -5


Oh. My. Gawd. I’m gonna kill her. I’m gonna build a room, lock her up, and let her die. -5


I broke down and bought a new bed in the hopes that she’ll get better sleep and not collapse on me all the time.


Bellamy aged up! He gained the clingy trait. Yippie…


And Bentley had her birthday!!


She gained the childish trait and the body builder aspiration…fun stuff. She looks a lot like Harley in the face.


So in order to recoup the astounding amount of points we lost in this chapter, I decided another baby was in order. (Literally was not going to do this, but we’re not doing to good here…)


*forgot to turn capture UI on* but Brenden has a freaking dirty diaper… -5


At least we have some good parenting going on. At least this isn’t a total waste of a chapter…


Got a notification that Breanna was too sick to go to school. At least this doesn’t mean negative points…


Quick spare update: This is Benjamin Faust, Amberly and Jace’s first child. We should get points for spare’s kids… lol


And this is great…Bellamy had a diaper accident. -5.

That’s it. That’s where I’m ending this chapter. We lost even more points in this chapter then we did last chapter. AND IT’S ALL HARLEY’S FAULT! So before I get even more pissed off, I’m calling it good for now. Hopefully next time will go better for us. *crosses fingers* Also, per azzywoods’ suggestion, I checked the rosebud achievement to see how much money they’ve earned and it’s not even $50,000, so no points there…


Self Wetting/Using diaper (-5) : 12 (-60)
Pass Out (-5) : 18 (-90)
Failing School (-5) : 0 (0)
Accidental Deaths (-10) : 0 (0)
Fires (-10) : 1 (-10)
Social Worker Visit (-15) : 0 (0)

Single Birth (+5) : 8 (+40)
Twins (+10) : 1 (+10)
Triplets (+15) : 0 (0)
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5) : 6 (+30)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10) : 1 (+10)
Skills maxed by NTH family members (+10) : 1 (+10)
NTH children earning an A in school (+5) : 6 (+30)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10) : 0 (0)
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10) : 1 (+10)
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10) : 1 (+10)
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20) : 0 (0)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5) : 1 (+5)

Total: -5 (Aaaaand we’re back into the negative…great)

11 thoughts on “Chapter 2.9 – Life Of An Insomniac

  1. i love this isbi, also the puns omgawd lol. Wild Wildes lol. also, CUTEST kids! Brad is adorable and definitely downloading him.. Really good job so far though, and i was right there with you with Harley this chapter, i think i surprised myself with how much i was begging you to build that room just for her lol. hopefully that new bed works!


    1. Thanks! The kids are pretty adorable if I do say so myself (no boasting here!) I live for the puns! And they make it easy too! lol! And Harley really did grind my gears in this chapter. I was ready to chuck her out of the house! haha! Thanks for reading!


  2. Oh my gosh!!! Harley was HORRIBLE to you in this session. Wow. The kids are so cute though! While I was mad at Harley for you, I was cooing over the kids, and hey you finally got a non-blonde little boy. Bellamy is just too cute, and I loved how mad baby brother looked at Bentley’s birthday. 😀

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