Founding Generation

Chapter 1.7 – Do We Own Showers?

SimNaWriMo Update #3


Welcome back to the Wildes! We’re going to start off this chapter just checking up on the family. Shiew is being a good ISBI spouse and making drinks and Arik and Austin are doing their homework!


Alexis is actually sleeping in her bed whilst Amberly and Wesley just nap. I can never figure out why some sims sleep and others just nap. I think it might have something to do with the time of day, but I’m not positive. Anyone else have any ideas?


Alicia is skilling herself like a good kid and Adam is wondering the house. Probably going to eat something or try and give Austin and/or Arik a hug. (Side note: I’m always forgetting the kids’ names. Since all of them start with A, I get them confused alllllll the time. And I have 25 more generations of this…joy)


Now that Sim check is over, we can get right into it! And what happens but a fail. Here’s to you Alexis for failing right away. -5

Also, Arik looks embarrassed for her since she has no shame apparently.


I’m having a harder time with the teens doing their homework, so I’m hoping that some added focusing items will help in that department… *crosses fingers*


Got it done just in time for the kids to get home from school! And what do you know… half of them (literally 50%) are in need of showering. We own two of those things! Come on people! Personal hygiene!


That is not homework, Sir. Can we try and do that before recreational reading?

Adam: No.



Yay! Shiew is doing some cleaning! Good thing too… that bathroom really needed it…


SIR! That is not your bed! You were conceived in that bed! Get out!


Da Fuq? Amberly’s doing it too! This requires investigation.


So, here’s how it stands: Arik is currently sleeping in Alexis’ bed, so she decided to sleep in Amberly’s bed, who then decided to sleep in her mom and dad’s bed. That that one is all Arik’s fault. Austin on the other hand, has no one sleeping in his bed. He’s just an idiot.


New day dawns and the girls decided that they should start their homework… you know 3o minutes before school starts. I’m surprised you guys aren’t failing…


Well, whatever they’re doing, it must be working! Alicia brought home an A! Nice job, kid! +5


Amberly needs some serious skills before she’s getting an A… So we’re playing chess! (Just ignore dirty Arik outside. Kids who don’t take showers, don’t stay in the house)

Arik: But how can I shower out here?!

Not my problem.


Look at Shiew being the best spouse! I’m so lucky! She learned it all on her own too!


Obviously two bathrooms isn’t enough. I literally just watched the WHOLE family keep kicking each other out of the bathrooms over and over…


Awe! Sibling bonding! (Minus Arik, who decided sleep was way more important than family time.)


Still wish promotions were positive points. Even just like a +1 or something. But oh well…


NOOOOO! STOP IT! That piece of cake was already for you, Adam! You just couldn’t have waited until AFTER your birthday!? Geez!


Since you ruined our wonderful zombie cake, you get a boring white cake.


Pre-make over and I can’t help but notice that he looks an AWFUL lot like Wesley…


But at least he’s not a complete face clone. His eye shape is more like Shiew’s. So that’s good!


And we end this regular part of the post with teens doing homework! (Adam is doing his too, but at the kitchen table.)

Heir Poll!

The twins are 3 days away from their young adult birthday, so I’ve decided that it’s time to do the poll! Now, when the kids are born, I roll all their traits and aspirations so that I don’t have to keep flipping back and forth and keep re-entering Wesley and Shiew’s traits. So below you’ll find a list of each Child’s traits and their Adult aspiration. Pick your favorite to carry on the Wilde Adventure that is an ISBI Alphabetcy! I’ve also noted my top 3 choices just for funzies. 🙂


Alicia is the 1st born of the legacy and the twin of Amberly. She’s the most interesting looking of the 6, but her trait of slob is a definite downside. Although, I like easy aspirations like that one.


Amberly is the 2nd born and the twin of Alicia. She’s a face clone of Shiew and she even has her red hair, but she did manage to get her father’s eye color. I’ve never actually played with the evil trait in any of my games, so I don’t know how that will fit in with an ISBI. She does have the neat trait so that is a MAJOR bonus!


Austin is the 3 born. He looks a lot like Wesley just with his mother’s hair color. None of his traits are horrible, but none of them are particularly great either. He’s just kind of meh in the middle.


Adam is the 4th born. Like Austin, he doesn’t have real interesting traits. But his aspiration is one that I haven’t done before. And, as I’ve peeked at them all as adults, he is the most good looking. I’m not exactly sure why I like him so much, but I do.


Alexis is the 5th born. She was the only one of the kids to inherit Shiew’s dark brown eye color and that looks real nice with her blonde hair. She has an interesting mix of traits (Neat sims FTW!) but a standard aspiration. She also does end up as a face clone of Shiew, but I like her traits, so I could overlook that, I guess.


Arik is the 6th born and baby of the family. He’s got the neat trait, which I love! And again, I’ve never done the public enemy aspiration before, so that could be interesting! He also grows up to be a very handsome sim. His features are a good mix of his parents.

If you’ve made your choice click HERE to vote in the poll!


Self Wetting (-5) : 4 (-20)
Pass Out (-5) : 7 (-35)
Failing School (-5) : 0 (0)
Accidental Deaths (-10) : 0 (0)
Fires (-10) : 1 (-10)
Social Worker Visit (-15) : 0 (0)

Single Birth (+5) : 4 (+20)
Twins (+10) : 1 (+10)
Triplets (+15) : 0 (0)
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5) : 3 (+15)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10) : 0 (0)
Skills maxed by NTH family members (+10) : 0 (0)
NTH children earning an A in school (+5) : 4 (+20)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10) : 0 (0)
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10) : 0 (0)
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10) : 0 (0)
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20) : 0 (0)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5) : 0 (0)

Total: 0

7 thoughts on “Chapter 1.7 – Do We Own Showers?

  1. I wish they would get points for NTH skills. It’s so hard to get them to do something productive, let alone an entire skills. I think it’s funny how your kids seem to slack off more now that they’re teens lol


  2. This is so much fun! Well for me at least. At this point I think your going crazy with all the fails… I have an isbi going right now. Number 3. So funny to watch those sims


  3. Oh my goodness, the zombie cake was adorable too. Oh well, boring white cake for the win. 🙂 I love the kids, and it’s always fascinating to read ISBI’s. An alphabetcy ISBI is even crazier.


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